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Our Spaces

Our classroom spaces provide a setting for sharing ideas, practicing problem solving, enjoying the friendship of others and building independence and self-confidence.

All children have access to all activity areas every day.


The Big Room

This large and homey space has a book area, dramatic play center, writing center, Block/Animal/Vehicle center, a light table, and a wall of manipulative toys and games.

The Gym

This open area has tricycles, climbers, dramatic play areas, a train table, reading center, two sensory tables, a playdough table, and various toys, games, and manipulatives. Additional gross motor materials are rotated through, such as basketball hoops and balls, scooters, balance beams, hula hoops, and romper stomper stilts.

photo by Caroline Yang

Sunshine Room (Art Studio)

Our art studio features painting easels, two sensory tables, a woodworking table, and a table for playdough, projects or sensory activities such as clay, glurch, and fingerpainting.

Outdoor Play Space

Our outdoor play space has a large embankment hill and slide, a mud kitchen, a large wooden playhouse, a large sandbox surrounded by stepping stone natural logs, a play stage and a fairy garden.